dear friends, fans, family, fellow findings-finders,
i’m very glad to find you here.
thank you for being here and also for everything else.
blanket thanks! (thankets?) and now, some (more!) funs for the day!
A) a is for A blanket statement:
i don't usually like making blanket statements, but i really love blankets.
B) b is for Being undercover (shh):
some things i did today:
1) spent time under a blanket
2) spent time on TOP of a blanket
look how many things so far! a VERY productive day. i wish you similar productivity and joy and meaning AND/OR BETTER!
C) c is for Clothing statements:
a fun thing you can do while getting dressed every morning is sing my semisonic cover song "clothing time."
those are the alls for the daytime today!
now for some future nighttime standup show infos!
tonight, i’m headlining a comedy fest in albuquerque!
next weekend, i’m headlining a vegan festival in albany!
next year (january), i’m headlining the comedy club of kansas city!
ticket linkings for those shows and more should all be at my website!
finally, check out this beautiful poster my friend mckinley cox made out of a wonderful mindy tucker photo of me + breaking bad + his own brain heart consciousness combo!
thanks and love to you and yours and all!
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