dear friends, family, fans, fellow folks,
i am grateful that you are here, as always.
there are so many rooms that you could be entering, literally and metaphorically, so i thank you very much for choosing this place full of jokes about rooms.
A) is for A question:
do you think anyone's
ever said "read the room"
in a library?
i enjoy wondering sometimes about the first time things were said.
for example, someone once said “read the room” for the first time.
who was that person? when was it? what were the circumstances?
there’s almost no way to know without looking it up.
i like to think that it could have been back before there were even rooms.
like, someone back in prehistoric times saying the equivalent of “read the cave!”
which would have been impressive because they didn’t even have Reading.
unless looking at cave paintings counts.
in conclusion, i’m a big fan of reading.
and i imagine that you are as well
B) is for another question (But that doesn’t start with B):
people talk a lot
about the separation of church and state
but why don’t we hear as much about
the separation of church and hotel room drawer?
also, here’s something i just thought about “church and state.”
as a jewish person, i grew up going to synagogue, not church.
so it seems there’s even a religious preference in that expression.
the very expression designed to downplay religious preferences.
though we do have “my body is a temple” so maybe we’re even?
so now all we need is an expression representing islam, and then our language will be a veritable mecca of religious equality!
C) is for Comedy:
"that's funny"
-- seasoned comedian in the back of the room when a hilarious joke is told
"that's emotionally moving"
-- seasoned musician in the back of the room when a beautiful symphony is performed, i assume
i hope you find this piece of comedy emotionally moving!
if it so moves you, please feel free to say it out loud.
especially if there are others around.
and that’s all the room fun from me for now! now, for some questions for YOU:
1) how are you? how are you feeling? how is your heart?
2) have you ever read a hotel room bible?
3) what is something you have loved reading?
4) what comedy/music/art has emotionally moved you?
5) how are you NOW?
and that’s all for today!
if you’re in edinburgh, come to my show!
if you’re not in edinburgh, come to edinburgh quick before the end of the month!
wherever you are, i send you thanks and love for entering this room with me and reading from the equivalent of my non-denominational hotel drawer-book!