carl sagan, captain hook, and sisqó
three silly jokes and a couple deep dives! i had fun writing this! hope you enjoy reading it!
dear friends, family, fans, followers, fellow flowers 1,
i am grateful that you are here.
thank you for being yourself or whoever you are if someone other than yourself.
and now, for some words that combine into meaningful, silly phrases, let’s hope!
A) and a one:
"if you wish to make apple pie from scratch,
you must first create the universe." -- carl sagan 2
"ok, check. what's step two?" -- me
B) and a two:
"two thongs up!" -- Sisqó and Ebert 3
C) and a one, two, smee!:
"it's not you, it's smee" -- captain hook's first mate ending a relationship 4
and that’s all the silliness for today!
for some silliness NEXT WEEKEND, look at this wonderful poster below that my beautiful art-making friend McKinley Cox made out of the “North by Northwest” movie poster and photos of me by my other beautiful art-making friend Mindy Tucker!
Bob’s Java Jive, Tacoma, WA!
Stroum JCC, Mercer Island, WA!
Helium, Portland, OR!
and that’s all for now (and some for later)!
thank you again for being here, being you, sharing in this way.
gratitude and love to you and yours and all. peace friends!
you are a unique flower, or at least if you go with the flow of me calling you a flower, then you are a goer-with-the-flower!
according to wikipedia, carl sagan was, among other things, a “planetary scientist,” which i think any scientist on the planet could lay claim to, but probably he may have scienced more than just THIS planet. i was surprised and delighted to find that that same wiki page offered information on his APPLE-related credentials as well: “he claimed that his sense of wonder came from his father, who in his free time gave apples to the poor…” (and now i’m working on a new aphorism: “MORE than one apple a day, given to multiple people, can keep MANY doctors away”
for those who may not already be aware of this fellow (hi mom!), sisqó is a singer most known (to me) for “the thong song.” fun facts i just learned about him from HIS wiki page include the following: 1) his given name is Mark Althavan Andrews (the most fun part for me is the middle name!), 2) his first solo album was called “unleash the dragon” and his final one was called “last dragon” which is a very appropriate finality for that series, and 3) he starred as a vampire on “sabrina the teenage witch” though it doesn’t say how old a vampire he is (also, i wonder if asking a vampire their age is rude like it is for humans sometimes, or if because they stop aging when they become a vampire, they’re immune to micro-aggressions of ageism like they are to most forms of killing… also also, i wonder if when asking their age, it’s meaningful to ask when they were born and when they became a vampire, because those might be very different, like the same way if you ask a married couple how long they’ve been MARRIED that might be very different from how long they’ve been TOGETHER, and that’s all my wondering for now, in this footnote parenthetical) PS i hope you know who ebert is!
captain hook and smee are characters from … jkjkjkjkjkjk you got this one! thanks all!