it's travel time!
are there any time travelers that use that as their catchphrase? if not, i call it!
dear fellow time travelers, 1
thank you for traveling to this time and place.
i’m very grateful that you are here.
here are some time travel sillies for “the day”. 2
A) back from the future:
hey, the year 2036 called!
they want their time travel jokes back. 3
B) into the present:
i call a lecture on time travel a "Bill and Ted Talk." 4
C) forward from the past:
a sequel/prequel/reboot
where tony and angela time travel:
“when’s the boss?” 5
and those are the time travel funs of “now.”
and NOW, here are a few funs for LATER:
— i’m at Union Hall in BK for the next “Liz & Myq Give Advice” on November 28
— i’m headlining Upstairs at Helium in Indianapolis, IN on December 17-18. *
— i’m headlining The Comedy Vault in Batavia, IL on New Year’s Eve weekend!
thank you for being here/there/wherever/whenever/then/now!
* and finally, please enjoy this beautiful art that my friend Mickey Cox made to help celebrate and spread the word6 about these Indy shows!
we are all traveling into the future at around 1 second per second, it seems.
also, we’re all space travelers!
i call my ship “earth.”
they are for all time. they are for now. also, all sillies are time travel sillies in a way, traveling from my brain to my fingers to your eyes to your brains, all at different times. good work, universe!
or maybe they want their time travel jokes FORWARD.
i mean, i do that for the excellent ones, at least.
also open to a philosophical reboot that asks hard questions about capitalism and hierarchical employment structures called “why’s the boss?”
i hope this really hopes drive the point home.
RE: footnote 2 - I'm glad these sillies are for all time, as my Tardis was tardy in getting here, days later. I'm here for this! I was here for this! I'll be here for this!
I love this poster. It drives home the message. But who is co-pilot? A cat or is that Rini?