dear friends who love games
and friends who love non-games
and anyone else reading,
welcome to this now. i’m glad you/we are here. here are some funs for the day!
1) family food:
i like "family feud" but i bet if they surveyed 100 people and asked them to name a game show, everyone would say "jeopardy"1
2) something upLyfting:
watching the car in the lyft app move along the screen gradually and take wrong turns on its way to you is like playing a slow video game that you have no real control over.2
3) chess between us:
a chess game ends when someone says "checkmate."
i believe the origin of that is for the opponents to make sure that they are still friends now that the game is over.
to check that they are still mates.
thank you.
this has been a...
post-checkmate mate-check post!3
those are the today funs!
and now
for some news of future funs:
1) this saturday i am at the fest in salem, MA with liz glazer!
2) sunday 9/19 liz and i start hosting our new monthly show at union hall!4
3) friday 10/8 i headline a show at the milwaukee comedy fest!
4) sunday 10/10 i headline a show at the st louis helium comedy club!
5) fri-sat, 11/5-6 i headline four shows at goodnight’s in raleigh!
much love, all.
thanks for being here! you’re the best!
if you know of other folks who might like being here and being the best, feel free to use this button:
my grandmother watched jeopardy every day. that show was indeed like food for our family.
the upLyfting part: someone at lyft actually saw this post and wrote back: “Oh no! That's not a game we like to play. We're happy to look into this for you.”
hoping to get this sponsored by postmates
it’s called “liz and myq give advice.” we give advice to ourselves, each other, and anyone who likes. do you have any questions? would you like some advice? write back here, or come to the show, or just think real hard about your question. whatever you like!